Thursday, September 13, 2007

autumn leaves

autumn leaves
Originally uploaded by Through Joanne's eye

autumn leaves
A tangerine and russet cascade of kaleidoscopic leaves creates a tapestry of autumn magic upon the emerald carpet of fading summer.
- Judith A. Lindberg

The summer has come and gone by so fast. The days are already getting shorter, and soon I won't be able to leave the house without a jacket. Time sure does seem for fly by.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Originally uploaded by Through Joanne's eye

Please click here to vote for my entry in the Big Huge Labs "$100 Funny Motivational Poster" contest.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Welcome baby Avery Leigh

Welcome baby Avery Leigh
Originally uploaded by Through Joanne's eye

Well it is offical now, Steve and I are now grandparents.
There is nothing more precious than a new baby!

It's amazing how grandparents seem so young once you become one. ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Nature and Beauty!

a swallowtail
Originally uploaded by Through Joanne's eye

How can any one ever get tired of nature? Each and everyday I see more and more beauty in the world.
I often wonder, when I see the markings on a butterfly, the details painted by God, and I am just in awe and ask myself, how beautiful heaven must be?

How can Heaven be any more beautiful than this earth? The bible says; that it is more than we can fathom. The song "Imagine" come to my mind, I can only imagine. Life on earth can have its ups and downs, but in heaven we will always be up, surrounded by beauty. Another thought that comes to mind is a poem by Helen Steiner Rice.

The way we use adversity is strictly our own choice,

For in God's Hands adversity can make the heart rejoice -

For everything God sends to us, no matter in what form,

Is sent with plan and purpose for by the fierceness of a storm

The atmosphere is changed and cleared and the earth is

washed and clean And the "high winds of adversity"

can make restless souls serene -

And while it's very difficult for mankind to understand

God's intentions and His purpose and the workings of His Hand,

If we observe the miracles that happen every day

We cannot help but be convinced that in

His wondrous way God makes what seemed

unbearable and painful and distressing,

Easily acceptable when we view it as a blessing.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.